Sunday, April 7, 2013

Neckties (5/30)

after Amy Everhart
There are eighty-five different ways
to tie a necktie. I tie a full Windsor,
because that's the knot my grandfather 
taught me. Most people, use a school boy
knot, because it is the easiest.

The first neckties were worn by factory
workers. They were not meant to be fashionable.
Instead, they were practical and designed
to catch food. Today, neckties are not 
considered practical.

Whenever people ask me, "what's the special occasion?"
Or, "why are you all dressed up?" I tell them, "Life!"
Because life is my special occasion. 

Sometimes, i want to ask them, "why are you so dressed down"
or "who told you that sweatpants are a good idea"

People always ask me if I'm gay
this is because people believe
that there are only two ways
to knot your heart, but hearts
are like ties, there at least
eighty five different ways 
to fall in love.

Whenever i travel i bring people back neckties
because neckties hold memories.

The blue plaid tie i wore to prom
with the girl i loved but never told

The pink paisley tie i wore in the final
round of nationals for speech and debate.

The green floral tie i wore while writing
this poem.

The first necktie you wore to work

The necktie you wore to your funeral.

The necktie you borrowed from me

Once, somebody said how do you know you're not gay
if you've never tried it.
I thought maybe this was a valid point. 

I do find some men attractive like
The philosophy major who wears neckties.
He is a handsome man.
He makes me question my sexuality.

Zac Ephron makes everyone question their sexuality.

Being gay isn't like indian food you can't just try it out
Because if you dont like indian food you can spit it out
but if you decide you don't like dudes, it's a little
more awkward to say, "bro do you think you could take
your penis out of me?"

I went on a date with a man once.
It was awkward. I wasn't attracted to him.
I just wanted to make people happy.

There are eighty five different ways to tie a necktie
most people only know one.
There have to be more than two ways to love. 

Maybe we should learn how to tie knots
to other people instead of knotting people
into categories. 

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